Monday, May 2, 2011


It was the race to the finish as far as funding goes, but we made our kickstarter goal!  Thank you to everyone who contributed, forwarded the funding link, who talked about the project and who supported this effort.  We were able to use the money raised from the silent auction to make up the difference in the last hour of the open funding window to receive the $6500 in funding.  There are some fees associated with kickstarter (I think up to 10% of the total earned), so thus far, we are up to about $5500 earned of the $20,000 goal!

This is such happy news!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!

    Kristi, I am writing an article on your installation project for If you could give me a brief bio on yourself, Aggregate Urbanism and the Sail Away project I'd be very happy.

    I just started as a writer for their Seattle: Art section. I love what you are trying to do and hope to increase awareness (and hopefully backing) with the article. Please contact me at:

    Thank you
